The information on the Medical Costs Finder is a guide only and should not be used as a quote or medical diagnosis.


How the Medical Costs Finder can help you

Find typical fees and costs

Use the Medical Costs Finder to find typical fees and costs for common medical services.
Start searching now.

Guide to costs

Learn what to consider before seeking medical treatment. Get useful information to help you plan ahead.
Read the guide.

Find specialists

Locate medical specialists participating on the Medical Costs Finder. They choose to participate on the website to make costs more transparent.

View patient journeys

See a typical patient journey for select services. It shows commonly received services before, during and after the main service.

Who it’s for

The Medical Costs Finder is for patients with Medicare who hold private health insurance and receive their services in a private healthcare setting. Find out more about the website in the disclaimer and terms of use.

Start searching now

Search for medical services, specialities or MBS items. You can also browse the list of procedures, specialties, and services to find what you are looking for. Helpful information is available on each page so you can get the most out of this tool.

If you cannot find a service, more services will be added over time.

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Woman looking through magnifier