The information on the Medical Costs Finder is a guide only and should not be used as a quote or medical diagnosis.

Paediatric medicine

Area of medical practice that treats health conditions in babies, children or teenagers


There are no procedures for this medical specialty


Diagnostic procedures and investigations
MBS item 11506

A test to help diagnose or check airway and lung conditions (spirometry) such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

MBS item 12000

Allergy tests using small injections under the skin. Testing is to find out if a patient is allergic to certain particles in the air (aeroallergens).

MBS item 12001

A procedure where the skin is pricked (skin prick testing) with different substances in the air which might cause allergies (aeroallergens). Testing is to find out what a patient is allergic to.

MBS item 12003

Allergy tests using small injections under the skin. Testing is to find out if a person is allergic to certain foods or latex.

Professional attendances
Follow-up appointment for complex disorder

A follow-up appointment with a consultant physician to review ongoing care for a complex disorder. The appointment is 20 minutes or longer.

Follow-up consultant physician appointment

A follow-up appointment with a consultant physician. The consultant physician will look at a specific condition and/or provide a course of treatment. The appointment is at their rooms.

Initial appointment for complex disorder

The first appointment with a consultant physician to assess and plan care for a complex disorder. The appointment is 45 minutes or longer.

Initial consultant physician appointment

The first appointment with a consultant physician. The consultant physician will look at a specific condition and/or provide a course of treatment. The appointment is at their rooms.

MBS item 00119

A follow up appointment (minor) with a specialist at their rooms, in-hospital or a nursing home. This item does not include the specialty of psychiatry.

MBS item 00135

The first appointment with a children's doctor (paediatrician) at their rooms or in-hospital. This is to develop a treatment plan for a patient aged 13 years or younger with autism or another developmental delay disorder. The appointment is 45 minutes or longer.

MBS item 00820

A specialist coordinates a meeting with at least 3 other care providers. They all provide different types of care. The meeting is between 15 and 30 minutes.

MBS item 00822

A specialist coordinates a meeting with at least 3 other care providers. They all provide different types of care. The meeting is between 30 and 45 minutes.

MBS item 00823

A specialist coordinates a meeting with at least 3 other care providers. They all provide different types of care. The meeting is 45 minutes or longer.

MBS item 00825

A specialist attends a meeting with at least 2 other care providers. They all provide different types of care. The meeting is between 15 and 30 minutes.

MBS item 00826

A specialist attends a meeting with at least 2 other care providers. They all provide different types of care. The meeting is between 30 and 45 minutes.

MBS item 00828

A meeting with a specialist and at least 2 other care providers who provide different types of care. The meeting is 45 minutes or longer.

MBS item 00872

A meeting with a GP or specialist and at least 4 medical professionals and allied health providers. The meeting is to develop a treatment plan for a person with cancer, and is 10 minutes or longer.

MBS item 90261

An appointment with a children's doctor (paediatrician) at their rooms to prepare a treatment and management plan for a patient with an eating disorder. The appointment is 45 minutes or longer.

MBS item 91824

The first appointment with a consultant physician for a specific condition and/or course of treatment (who is not a psychiatrist). The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91825

A follow up appointment with a consultant physician (who is not a psychiatrist). The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91826

A follow up appointment (minor) with a consultant physician (who is not a psychiatrist). The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91836

A follow up appointment (minor) with a consultant physician (who is not a psychiatrist). The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes

MBS item 92140

An appointment with a children's doctor (paediatrician) using telehealth. This is to develop a treatment plan for a patient aged 13 years or younger with autism or another developmental delay disorder. The appointment is 45 minutes or longer.

MBS item 92422

The first appointment with a consultant physician (who is not a psychiatrist) using telehealth. This is to assess a patient with at least two long-term health conditions. The appointment is 45 minutes or longer.

MBS item 92423

An appointment with a consultant physician (who is not a psychiatrist) using telehealth. This is to follow up on a patient with at least two long-term health conditions. The appointment is 20 minutes or longer.

Therapeutic procedures
MBS item 13300

A procedure where a thin tube is inserted into a vein of a newborn baby (neonate). This may be inserting a catheter into a scalp or umbilical vein (catheterisation), or a cannula into any vein (cannulation).

MBS item 13706

A transfusion of blood or bone marrow.

MBS item 14221

A procedure to access a device which has been implanted in the body as a way to deliver medication to a patient.

MBS item 18354

A treatment using injection of Botox for a foot deformity in a person with cerebral palsy (dynamic equinus foot deformity). This is caused by contraction of the muscles (spasticity). This is for a person aged at least 2 years.

MBS item 18361

A treatment using injection of Botox for muscle contraction of the arms (severe upper limb spasticity) in a person with cerebral palsy. This is for a person aged at least 2 years. For a person aged at least 18 years, they must have started treatment with Botox already before the age of 18.

MBS item 30278

Surgery to correct limited movement of the tongue (tongue tie).