The information on the Medical Costs Finder is a guide only and should not be used as a quote or medical diagnosis.


Area of medical practice that uses different tests to help diagnose the cause of a disease


There are no procedures for this medical specialty


Professional attendances
Follow-up consultant physician appointment

A follow-up appointment with a consultant physician. The consultant physician will look at a specific condition and/or provide a course of treatment. The appointment is at their rooms.

Follow-up specialist appointment

A follow-up appointment with a specialist at their rooms or in-hospital. The specialist may provide additional services which may have their own costs.

Initial consultant physician appointment

The first appointment with a consultant physician. The consultant physician will look at a specific condition and/or provide a course of treatment. The appointment is at their rooms.

MBS item 00872

A meeting with a GP or specialist and at least 4 medical professionals and allied health providers. The meeting is to develop a treatment plan for a person with cancer, and is 10 minutes or longer.