The information on the Medical Costs Finder is a guide only and should not be used as a quote or medical diagnosis.

Paediatric surgery

Area of medical practice that uses surgery to treat health conditions in babies, children or teenagers


There are no procedures for this medical specialty


Professional attendances
Follow-up specialist appointment

A follow-up appointment with a specialist at their rooms or in-hospital. The specialist may provide additional services which may have their own costs.

Initial specialist appointment

The first appointment with a specialist at their rooms.

MBS item 91822

The first appointment with a specialist for a specific condition and/or course of treatment. The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91823

A follow up appointment with a specialist for a specific condition and/or course of treatment. The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91833

A follow up appointment with a specialist. The appointment is by telehealth and is for more than 5 minutes.

Therapeutic procedures
MBS item 30278

Surgery to correct limited movement of the tongue (tongue tie).