The information on the Medical Costs Finder is a guide only and should not be used as a quote or medical diagnosis.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Area of medical practice that uses surgery to treat health conditions of the mouth, jaws and face


There are no procedures for this medical specialty


Oral and maxillofacial services
MBS item 51700

The first appointment with a dental specialist for a specific condition and/or course of treatment. The appointment occurs at their rooms, in-hospital or at a residential aged care place.

MBS item 51703

A follow up appointment with a dental specialist. The appointment occurs at their rooms, in-hospital or at a residential aged care place.

MBS item 52036

Surgery to remove a tumour, fluid filled growth (cyst), ulcer or scar (up to 3 cm in diameter).

MBS item 52048

Cutting out an area of skin for removal of a tumour or deep fluid filled growth (cyst).

MBS item 52624

Surgery to improve the shape of the gums or jaw (alveolar ridge). This is done to help dental implants work better.

Professional attendances
Follow-up specialist appointment

A follow-up appointment with a specialist at their rooms or in-hospital. The specialist may provide additional services which may have their own costs.

Initial specialist appointment

The first appointment with a specialist at their rooms.

MBS item 91822

The first appointment with a specialist for a specific condition and/or course of treatment. The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91823

A follow up appointment with a specialist for a specific condition and/or course of treatment. The appointment is by telehealth and is longer than 5 minutes.

MBS item 91833

A follow up appointment with a specialist. The appointment is by telehealth and is for more than 5 minutes.

Therapeutic procedures
Skin biopsy

Taking a sample of skin for testing (biopsy) during a consultation.

MBS item 18236

Injection of anaesthetic into a branch of one of the main nerves of the face (trigeminal).

MBS item 30072

A procedure to take a sample of mucous membrane for testing (biopsy).

MBS item 30075

A procedure to take a sample of lymph gland, muscle or other deep tissue from the body for testing (biopsy).

MBS item 30283

A procedure to remove a fluid filled growth (cyst) from the mouth. Person is 10 years or older.

MBS item 31350

Surgery in a person aged 10 years or older, to remove a non-cancerous growth (benign tumour). A sample is sent for testing. This surgery does not include removal of tumours from skin, cartilage or bone, or fatty lumps (lipoma).

MBS item 41722

Surgery to close off a hole in the upper jaw (oroantral fistula) which should not be there.

MBS item 45200

Surgery where a flap of skin from another area is taken to fill a skin defect.

MBS item 45801

Surgery to remove a tumour, fluid filled growth (cyst), ulcer or scar up to 3 cm long. It is removed from tissue in the area around the mouth or upper jaw.

MBS item 45807

Surgery to remove a tumour, fluid filled growth (cyst), ulcer or scar in the area around the mouth or upper jaw.

MBS item 45809

Surgery to remove a tumour or a fluid filled growth (cyst) located deep in the area around the mouth or upper jaw.

MBS item 45811

Surgery to remove a tumour from the area around the mouth or upper jaw. This includes removing muscle and other tissue in the area.

MBS item 45815

Surgery on the upper (maxilla) or lower (mandible) jawbone. This is to treat a chronic infection of the bone (osteomyelitis).

MBS item 45825

Surgery to remove a bone spur (exostosis) from the lower jaw (mandibular) or roof of the mouth (palatal).

MBS item 45841

A procedure to rebuild the bone in the jaw which surrounds the roots of teeth (alveolar ridge). Bone and/or a bone like substance is used.

MBS item 45849

Surgery to add bone (graft) to the upper jaw (maxillary sinus).